'Who got the props?': Get to know Motor City Street Dance Academy
'The foundation of Detroit is people of color'
Get an inside look at Motor City Street Dance Academy's 2v2 breaking competition, Who Got The Props.
Originally starting in 2009, Who Got The Props is now Michigan's largest breaking jam of its kind, bringing dancers from around the world to Southwest Detroit to compete and experience the local scene through the guidance of MCSDA director Benito "Mav-One" Vasquez.
Vasquez says it’s “our (Detroit) version of hip-hop,” which blends Detroit jit, occasional Latin rhythms and old-school hip-hop. “It’s a lot of people from all over who have never heard the word jit,” Vasquez says.
"My intentions are 100 about providing hip-hop with integrity. And that includes everything, from the party side, to the competition side, to the youth side, to everything we do.”
More information can be found about their events and classes for youth can be found at https://motorcitysda.com. See more videos like this on Comcast Channel 21 and the City of Detroit’s YouTube channel.