#DetroitLove: Keith and Pamela
We celebrate #DetroitLove this Valentine's Day by highlight Detroit couples.
We are back for a third year highlighting #DetroitLove! We put out the call for couples to be featured in our annual Valentine's Day series and they answered. Here's our last couple!
Meet Keith and Pamela!
Keith, a Denver native, and Pamela, a Detroit native, met in Ann Arbor in 1988 when Keith was working for the Ann Arbor News and Pamela was an educational and sales leadership professional. When Keith moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to work for the Sun Sentinel, and Pamela moved back to Detroit to continue her career, they lost touch. In 1993, Pamela picked up a copy of the Detroit Free Press (where the couple was photographed??), and there was Keith in Detroit working on the paper’s editorial board.
On Valentine's Day 1998, Keith proposed, and they were married at Fellowship Chapel in Detroit on September 11, 1998. Today, Keith and Pamela live in a 107-year-old historic home in the Boston-Edison neighborhood. Keith works for the Wayne County Executive, and Pamela is a Detroit-based business owner.
The couple is pictured in their matching wedding outfits made by Pamela!
photo credit: Cyrus Tetteh